Penny Palace

Penny Palace

Monday, February 22, 2016

Accident Free Day

Shhh ... Don't move!  Liesel is lying with her chin on my foot.  She has been calm for 3-4 minutes!   The slightest noise or movement will sent her off into hyper drive again!


Today I took Sheila and Liesel to PetSmart.  Took them in one at a time.

Sheila was a Sweetie.  The cashier and other customers stopped to pet her.  We paid for the merchandise and all was good.

Then I took Liesel into the store.  It took both hands to keep her in the shopping cart.  I had to ask for assistance in placing the dog food bag in the cart because both my hands were busy trying to control Liesel!  She howled and talked in an inquisitive, loud voice to people passing by.

I went down the toy aisle.  Oh My Gosh!  You should have seen her when she spied the tennis balls!  She went berzerk!  She goes crazy over tennis balls.  I tucked a pack of balls behind me in my pants waistline so that she would not see them.  I hoped I would not get stopped for Shoplifting!  At the check out, I secretly slipped the balls to the cashier and asked her to bag those without Liesel seeing them.


Our next stop was at The Sign Shop where Kim had made ID tags for the girls  
She also made a tag for Dundee so he wasn't left out.


We have three more hours to go today to complete the First Day with no accidents in the house.

Keep your fingers crossed ....

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Riddle

A Valentine's Riddle for you.   What is …
·       More desirable than jewelry?
·       Less calories than chocolate?
·       Longer lasting than flowers?
·       Cute as can be?
·       Filled with love?

The Boyz:  Norman and Sparky 2003
… and delivered along with a batch of Trouble?

Answer:  Canine Fur Babies!
Especially Rescued Ones

The Girlz:  Liesel and Sheila 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Our First 24 Hours

Delivered to our New Home
Wee R the nuwest residents of dee Penny Palace. We were on our way to dee kill room (a very quick way to get to Heaven) when Angels for Animals Rescue paid our randsom and got us outta der.  We stayed wid Kathryn and Terrell (Foster Mommie and Daddie) who tuk kar of us until day cud find a Forever home for us.

Ms. Tina and Doc saw R cute faces on and thought maybe we could help fill dat void left by Norman and Sparky when dey went to Heaven.

We have gone from death row to R own Palace!  Can you believe it?  We have plentee of food, R own couch, new collars, at least 8 pillows to lounge on.  We even have our own “Knight” (Mr. Dundee) who “has our back” and watches over us to make shur wee don’t doo anyting too stupid.

We have gone from doggies to be killed, to Princesses!  In dee past 24 hours wee have definitely created enough chaos to distract Mr. Doc and Ms. Tina from dat void dey were feeling.  LOL


Let me tell U just a little bit about our experiences so far….

Meeting Knight Dundee
Last night dee Foster Parents delivered us to dee Penny Palace.  Dey did a house and yard inspection.  All looked gud.  Den Dolly (Sheila) escaped through the 3” spaced bars of the Doggie Yard.  Amazing!  Dat needed immediate attenshun.  While Ms. Tina and Foster Mommie signed the paperwork, Foster Daddie and Mr. Doc took care of the yard.  Then we all Celebrated the happy occasion.

A Toast to Celebrate

Foster Mommie said at her house I (Liesel) would cry non-stop when put in a carrier cage.  Last night I cried softly jest for 3-4 minutes because I missed my Foster Family.  But dis Penny Palace is pretty nice and we are loved so much already.

Dis morning we awoke to a gorgeous day.  After breakfast we went shopping for some collars and harnesses.   Den wee went to several stores to get supplies for making dose yard gates more secure.  We got to go inside de stores where dee udder customers smiled when dey saw us and when dey herd we had jest bin adopted. 

At one store der were Girl Scouts selling cookies.  Ms. Tina sed we shouldn’t eat cookies because those are not gud for us.  Well we could say dee same thing to Mr. Doc and Ms. Tina!

Learning to Penny Find

Liesel was told it was her job to help wid Penny Finding which she did.  Her first coin was a Nickel!  Pretty gud for dee first Find.

Dis afternoon we played wid our balls and toys, toys, toys!  Den after an afternoon nap, we watched as Mr. Doc and Ms. Tina spent hours adding screening to those gates.

Laundry Duty
Can you believe dey expected us to help wid chores?  We thought we were princesses.  What’s with having to help with the laundry?

It has been a long day.  Der has be so very much to learn!  For instance – we peed der, der and der and none of those places were gud!  Ms. Tina even complained about where we chose to poop!  She wants us to go outside.  Dats okay.  We luv the doggie door.  We raced through it dozens of times ‘cause from der we can see da street and peoples and doggies walking past our house.

Tonight we are tired.  We hope Ms. Tina will not ask us to do anything more because we jest plan to watch TV wid Mr. Doc.

We have gone from Death Row, to the Penny Palace.  Life is Gud!

with Joy,
Liesel and Sheila