Penny Palace

Penny Palace

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Price Was Right


So many of you seemed to enjoy the Heavenly Horse story.  Here is a good story from this past week.


When Doc and I were in Tanzania a few years ago, there was a young man (Chazy) who served us our breakfast at the hotel where we were staying.  He shared a little bit about his desire to be the first in his family to attend College and earn a Certificate.  Doc and I have both been in that situation so it pleased us to hear that.


When Doc and I returned to the States, I periodically emailed Chazy to encourage him in his studies.  I asked him about his tuition figuring perhaps I would send him a few dollars as a Christmas gift.  At the time his income was $100 per month for his full-time job as a waiter.   Six days a week. His Tuition was 794,000 TZS per semester. (approx. $293), so needless to say after rent, food, transportation, utilities and such, there was nothing left for school.


That’s a bit of background for you.  Now to the present….


Recently Chazy wrote to me: “Last night people stole my PC so sad”.

I asked more about it: “I was coming out of the hotel to go home. They passed by with a motorcycle and they stole from me by force. I had my phone with the PC. I am very sad because I don't even have a phone here.  I have gone to the police to report.”


Chazy’s email weighed on my mind for a few days.  Then came the “Nudging….” 


Voice: “Send Chazy a few dollars to help toward a new laptop.  As a student he cannot function without a computer”.

Tina:  “How much?  $100?”

Voice:  “Not enough”.

Tina:  “$250?”

Voice: “Too much”

Tina: “OK. Then YOU tell me!?!?!!”

Voice: “$175”

Tina: “OK.  It shall be done as you have instructed”.


After a few days I checked in with Chazy to see if he had received my gift.  He said “YES!”

And he had purchased a new laptop!  “I really appreciate it, it has great capacity, it has good speed and also its storage is big, I really like it.”


Out of curiosity I asked the price of the laptop.  I was wondering if my gift might help perhaps with 1/3 of the cost?  Chazy replied:  “It cost $400,050 TZS”. Gulp!  That sounded HUGE – until I did the conversion.  The $175 gift paid for the laptop with $26 US to spare!  



Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Heavenly Horse Hello

 Hi Penny Pals-


On Wednesday Nights I try to attend the online streaming video from the Miracle Distribution Center.  Tonight's Lesson was "Listening to God's voice throughout the day".  After class I wrote to the instructor about Monday's Horse Balloon Story.  Figured I would share it here with you as well.  Hopefully this brings you a smile.






Monday I realized it was the (65th?) birthday of the owner of the local UPS Store. 

There was that "Nudging" (Voice).  


Voice: "Do SOMETHING to recognize Tom's Birthday"

Tina:  "I don't wanna.  I am busy today.  Bug Off".

Voice:  "Do it Anyway"

Tina: "Do I have to?"  "Why?"  "Tom will never know if I don't do something".  "Are you talking deliver a card or WHAT?"

Voice: "How about a balloon?"

Tina "OK.  Let me look in my balloon box and see what is there...."  "Happy Mother's Day?  Happy Anniversary?  Happy Retirement?".  No, no, no.


I spotted a brown horse balloon.  Why in the world would I have a horse balloon in my box?

Voice: "That's the one".

The balloon was old and initially non-cooperative, but Doc and I finally got it to work.

We delivered the balloon to Tom.


Tom at first was speechless, then laughing, then kept saying "I don't believe this....!"


He showed me the screensaver on his phone.  It was his brown horse which he had put to sleep last year.  This balloon was like a Happy Birthday from heaven!!!





Friday, March 1, 2024

Leaping Heart

 It is a Leap Year and my heart is Leaping with JOY for all the wonderful people in my life.


A number of you have been checking up on me to see how I am doing after that unexpected ambulance ride to the Emergency Room three weeks ago. Now you are wanting an update!  Pushy, aren't you?


·       Yes, the medical staff found a heart.  

·       Yes, the heart is still functioning.


Summary:  I had a heart attack on Friday, Feb 9th and had a stent installed in one artery which was 100% blocked.  Two weeks later I met with a cardiologist regarding the additional arteries which are 60-70% blocked.  His instructions: "Take your meds, eat healthy, get mild exercise, see you in a year."  



Doc was a bit nervous because we had plans to visit his brother 400 miles away.  Doc asked the cardiologist about restrictions on travel.  "On your car trip, get out and stretch every hour or two".  So we made stretching a priority!  In the 400 mile drive, we had 11 stretching breaks!


·       Stretching at a park

·       Stretching to get snacks from the ice chest in the back seat

·       Stretching at a school

·       Stretching to reach my salad at lunch

·       Stretching to wash the car windshield

·       Stretching to wrap my arms around my brush firefighter nephew.  
I could not EVEN lift his backpack whatsoever.  He made it look easy!

·       Stretching to pick up pennies

·       Stretching to lick BACON ice cream!


As far as our international trip planned for April .... The Cardiologist said: "Just realize that there is no prompt ambulance service when you are up in an airplane!!!"





Thanks for all your love and friendship.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

HEARTfelt Thanks!

 A big, HEARTFELT THANK YOU to all of you who helped Doc and I through these past two days.  Your emails, texts, and prayers kept us calm and laughing throughout the ordeal.  A trip to the Emergency Room was NOT on my agenda for this week.  I am home now weighing 5 lbs. less and with a stent for my heart.


So many wonderful people have written.  Know that I read each one, but that I don't have the strength to write personal or lengthy responses to each.  Please understand.


Condensed Version:  I am home and have been ordered to take things easy for a while.




Some of you have been asking to Hear "The rest of the Story".  You know me well enough to know there are probably some "behind the scenes stories".  LOL


Wednesday, 7 February I began experiencing some chest pains.  I was advised to go get those checked out.  My reply:  "I have never been pregnant, never cooked a turkey, and never spent the night in a hospital.  I don't plan to do either one of those for the next decade."  That declaration sure changed in less than two days!


Thursday, 8 February I had some chest pains on and off throughout the day.  Went for a Chinese Foot reflexology and massage session.  Severe pain hit twice while on the table. Thoughts:  a)  These people do not speak enough English to call for Emergency Services; b)  I am laying here naked.  Do not want emergency personnel to take me out of here like this!   LOL.  Pain was much better the rest of the evening, but it returned before bed.


Friday, 9 February I woke up to severe chest pains.  9 a.m. I woke Doc.  "Sweetheart please get up and get dressed quickly.  We need to go to the hospital.  No. We are not having a baby.  I think I may be having a heart attack."

Doc quickly dressed.  When he emerged, he saw me in such great pain, he called 9-1-1.  He hung up the phone, while I used the toilet (figuring I might not get to do that for many hours in an emergency room).  Three firefighters were at our door within minutes!  Good thing!  


As the EMTs hauled me down the driveway on the gurney, I felt so thankful for beautiful blue skies overhead versus the torrential rain we had for the first few days of the week.  I could have drowned in that kind of weather before even getting into the ambulance!  LOL


The ambulance driver was able to get through the red lights faster than Doc could have.  They took me to San Antonio Hospital which was closer than Kaiser with whom we have coverage.  The staff at San Antonio said "You were fortunate to be brought here.  WE have the better Cardio facilities and specialize in that.  The nearest Kaiser does not have that."


Emergency Room.  Personnel were wonderful.  First EKG showed no heart attack, but disturbing issues.  Would need to run an angiogram.  "That could happen immediately, later today, or tomorrow depending on urgency".  More tests, nitroglycerine tablets, heparin, etc.  Tech spoke outside the room with the doctor in charge.  I was informed "things have changed".  "Tests show you have now had a heart attack". Suddenly I was wheeled down to the Cath Lab.


Cath Lab.  Fascinating equipment!   I was awake.  Fun to watch the wiggling arteries on the big screen!  Wondering how in the world would the cardiologist run a stent all the way up my arm and insert it into that moving target?  Such a strange feeling to have this thing snake up your arm!



ICU.  Doc said I was talking in hyperdrive!  It was such fun to deal with the caring nurses.  They said they don't get much interface with most of the patients in ICU (who are on ventilators, not conscious, intubated, etc.)  We spoke of solar cars, rescue dogs, kids, their jobs, etc.








It was a long, long night.  When the lights were turned out at 12:40 a.m. I was sure I would fall asleep within minutes.  I was so very exhausted.  Not the case.  I lay there watching the clock for every minute to pass.  Around 2 a.m. I suddenly got very sweaty, with vomiting and diarrhea.  Was it the shock of it all?  The numerous medications?  The chicken fajita at lunch?  The meatloaf at dinner?  Not a fun experience.  No "running for the nearest toilet" when I was literally wired to a bunch of equipment!  


After that nasty episode, I was wide awake.  Thank goodness for both national and international friends (from Australia, Tanzania and Russia) who kept communicating with me throughout night.  Their love carried me through that trial.

Saturday 10 February.  Finally fell asleep at 5:30 a.m. to be woken 30 minutes later for more blood testing!  Early morning visits from the Cardiologist and Doctor in charge, then breakfast. Nurse went over all the discharge instructions.  Released.  Home by noon. Managed two hours of much-needed sleep. Son Steve (medical doctor) came over to check on me.  Weary.  Tried to write this note to you, but ran out of energy.





Today, Sunday 11 February.  Doc said he was planning to watch the Super Bowl Game -- I could do anything I wanted as long as it did not interfere with his game.  He would stay out of my way.  Reminder - no lifting anything heavy or bending over, but I could certainly wash laundry, pay bills, work on some of my many projects, take a nap, complete that paperwork for prepaid cremations services, etc.  Thus, I am writing to YOU!


Next few days?  Rest. Heal. Find a cardiologist to take care of the other artery blockages before they also become emergencies.  Cardio therapy TBD.


THANK YOU for being with us on this scary experience.





Sunday, January 28, 2024


The podiatrist a few weeks ago ordered me to " stop kicking butt, wear the boot except when sleeping or showering, and stay off the leg.  It's probably a damaged Achilles Tendon.  Rent movies and relax on the sofa."  




Today Doc said he would be watching football from Noon until approximately 7 p.m.  He and his fur baby Sheila would be out of my way during those hours.  

I could wash the dishes, take care of his laundry, do some financial stuff, scrub the floors and a few other tasks.  According to Doc -- most of those tasks could be completed while keeping weight off my leg!  (Notice MY dog Liesel was trying to help).




And THIS is Married Happily Ever After?!?!?!?!?


Monday, January 15, 2024

2023 Data

 Hi Penny Pals-


This is for you "Data Nerds" (like Doc).


Here are the coin finding numbers for 2023.

A total of only 629 US coins for a value of $34.49 US.

395 Pennies, 100 Nickels, 104 Dimes, 27 Quarters and some other currency.


Remember when this "Penny a Day" Challenge began in 2009?  Those first few years I was finding over 3,000 coins each year. Those were the COINcidences which kept the Penny Palace moving forward one day at a time.


Nowadays it is rare to find coins, but always fun when we do.  It's extra fun when we find them with friends.


Pennies from Heaven