Penny Palace

Penny Palace

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Miracle or Skillful Surgery?

Sparky, Norman, Dundee

Three weeks ago Norman (Dachshund) had his eyeball yanked out by Dundee (other Dog).  It was a Day of Surprises.  The emergency vet was able to salvage the eye globe, but said that dogs rarely ever regain any use of an eye after such damages. 

If you know even the slightest bit about the Penny Palace, you know that it is built on love, joy, and COINcidences.  It is much more than concrete, lumber, drywall, etc.  It is a Special Place.  In this past year, house guests have experienced physical, emotional and even spiritual healing as a result of their time here.

Perhaps Norman is one more soul who has benefited by the positive energy at the Penny Palace.  Every night for the past three weeks, when we are in pajamas and ready to doze off, I have massaged Norman’s face, and head -- especially around his eye area. Each night I have asked for his healing while tenderly holding his head and envisioning a white light pouring into him.  I have also asked the Penny Angels to FIND Norman’s eyesight in addition to finding their daily coins.  I also “bargained” with the Angels saying, “If you Find Norman’s eyesight, it will make for a Really Good Story.  You know I would share that Good News with the Penny Pal Readers”.

It looks like the Angels have found Norman’s Vision!  He is able to see through the damaged eye!  Of course he can’t read an eye chart and tell us if he’s got 20/20 vision (not likely), but he sees my finger moving or carrots flying through the air on their way to his mouth!  The vet was very surprised and pleased. 

Norman Says: “Tanks to all dem hoomans wid sent der gud thots.  De Angels herd U and I felt yor love.” 

Is this a ‘miracle’?  The result of excellent surgery?  COINcidence?  Or merely luck and the laws of probability?  What do YOU Think?

BELIEVE ..... and Happy Holidays!


Anatole said...

I believe in miracles. I believe in mankind's ability to attain excellence in our physical and intellectual endeavors. I believe in coincidence. I believe in luck and the laws of probability - I took statistics. The one fact is we don't truly know.

Chaz DeSimone said...

I am tingling with happiness for Norman. Blindness, whether human or animal, tears my heart out. Even if it's blurry in that eye, the peripheral vision is an important factor in perceiving surroundings and preventing accidents (or more "fights").

It is not a miracle. Maybe a COINcidence. But it is certainly God's mercy, your tender, healing care and the belief and prayers of you and your readers that has saved Norman's sight.

And yes, of course, the Penny Angels were watching over the Devil Dog.