Penny Palace

Penny Palace

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Be of Service

 Last night I was speaking with a woman K.D.  She was discouraged because she was having trouble paying her rent, buying groceries, finding a job, dealing with medical issues, etc.  Understandably these issues were causing her stress, which in turn was causing her severe headaches.


In our conversation I suggested that K.D. release her concerns to the Universe.  Instead of asking Source for a specific job, I suggested she ask “How can I be of Service?”  “Place me where I am needed”.  I also asked Source last night to “Please look after K.D. and place her where she can be of Service.”


This evening K.D. has written “Guess what Tina I just got hired!  I went to a short interview this morning around 11:45 and they hired me isn’t that great?”


What a QUICK response to that prayer request!  And where is this new job?  At a SERVICE Station!  (Petrol station for you international readers).  Source certainly has a CENTS of humour.  Where better to Be of Service?

Gosh!  That looks like my Pippy Truck at the pump!